Hi, Everyone!
I know there are several people that follow the blog, but don’t follow along on Facebook, so I wanted to give a quick heads up, that I hosted a pretty cool event on my Facebook Author Page this past Tuesday called:
Storytime with Shawn – Episode One: The Five – Part 1.
Basically, this was me reading the first five chapters of The Five: An Introduction to the Kingdoms of the Core live, for all the world to see. I may or may not have also given a quick demonstration on how to craft a delicious Rum Old Fashioned drink while waiting for everyone to join the party. You should probably watch the video even if it’s just for the recipe. It’s pretty tasty.
If you happened to miss it, you can watch the recording at the link below or by clicking on the picture.
Storytime with Shawn – Episode One
Best Regards,
Shawn A. Dressler